We work with the following technologies and platforms:
Client Development - Visual Basic, VB.Net, C++, C#, Lotus Notes, LotusScript
Java Development - Java J2EE, JetSpeed, JSP, AWT/Swing, Servlets, Applets
Web Development - ASP, ASP.Net, ISAPI/MTS, HTML/DHTML, DreamWeaver, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP
Web Servers - IIS, Apache, ServletExec, Lotus Domino
Client/Server API's - XML, JDBC, ActiveX/COM, ADO, CDO, OBDC, WinAPI, others
Databases - Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Access, others
Firewalls/Security - Astaro, Checkpoint, NetScreen, VPN's, IPSec/PKI, RSA, PGP, others
Messaging - Exchange/Outlook/Word/VBA, Lotus Notes, GroupWise
Networking - TCP/IP, DNS/Bind/DHCP/NAT, Many routers, others 
Graphics - Photoshop, Flash, others
Operating Systems  - XP, Vista, Win2000/3, Linux, Unix, others
Project Management & Documentation - MS Project
Mainframe - Unisys, IBM AS/400, Cobol, others

Westernesse Corporation
e-mail: rich@westernesse.com
site created by Atelier LKS